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MARKUP: Chairman Brady Opening Statement at Markup of the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act

April 20, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement at a full committee markup of the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016.

Remarks as prepared for delivery:

“The only item on our agenda today is H.R. 4923, the ‘American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016.’ I will begin with an opening statement.

“Last week, I was honored to join Ranking Member Levin, Chairman Reichert, Ranking Member Rangel and 15 other colleagues in introducing the bipartisan American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016, with an identical Senate companion bill.

“We worked together constructively on this issue for years – and we listened to our constituents throughout the entire process.

“Time and time again, Americans made it clear that they want a new MTB process to help manufacturers. At the same time, they also want a process that is completely transparent and accountable.

“The bill we are acting on today reflects their important priorities.

“First, our bill will create an effective process for the House to consider manufacturing tax cuts that will help our job creators compete in the global market.

“Under the new process, our manufacturers will regain their competitive edge over manufacturers from other countries. Soon, it will be easier for our manufacturers to lower costs, create new jobs, increase U.S. production, reduce prices, and help grow our economy. This bill is a win for American job creators – and a win for American consumers.

“Second, our bipartisan bill creates an open and transparent process that allows the American people to see every part of this process. Our bill upholds our earmark rules because Members of Congress will no longer introduce bills to begin the MTB process.

“Instead, the process will begin exclusively through petitions made by American businesses to the independent, non-partisan International Trade Commission.

“Fortunately, the reaction to our bill has confirmed that we struck just the right balance. Let me mention briefly the positive reception this bill has received from a range of businesses and organizations.

“U.S. manufacturing groups such as the National Association of Manufacturers praised the bill and said, ‘We strongly urge Congress to eliminate distortions in the U.S. tariff code that are undermining the competitiveness and job growth of our industries by passing the ‘American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016’ as expeditiously as possible.’

“The American Chemistry Council explained how the new process will ‘help reduce or eliminate hundreds of import duties on raw materials that chemical manufacturers rely on for innovation but which are not produced in the U.S.’

Conservative organizations such as National Taxpayers Union, Taxpayers for Common Sense, and Council for Citizens Against Government Waste also praised the bill and said that this bill adds ‘unprecedented transparency, as all correspondence between businesses, the ITC, and Congress would be made easily available to the public in real time.’

“And Americans for Tax Reform said, ‘The bottom line is that MTBs are a vital tool for American competitiveness. I applaud your work to reform this process to make clear that MTBs are a tax cut, not an earmark.’

“As we all know, it’s not every day in Washington that we introduce a bill that has such strong support from job creators of all sizes and Members across the political spectrum.

“Thanks again for so many of our colleagues’ leadership and support throughout this process. In particular, I’d like to thank Trade Subcommittee Chairman Reichert, as well as Representatives Tiberi, Reed, and Renacci, Ranking Members Levin and Rangel, and Representatives Blumenauer, Pascrell, and Davis.

“I would also like to thank Representatives Walker, McClintock, Rokita, Mulvaney, and Blum for their considerable leadership throughout this process.

“We should all be proud of this legislation and excited to see it move out of our committee today.”