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Ways & Means History

The Committee on Ways and Means, the oldest tax-writing body in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1789, shapes fiscal legislation including taxes, tariffs, and social service programs. Its notable influence is underscored by numerous members who have risen to prominent national offices, including Presidents and Supreme Court Justices.

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July 2, 2024

Ways & Means, E&C, and Judiciary Chairs Demand Watchdogs Review After Report Exposes Widespread Fraud in Obamacare Plans

Washington, D.C. — In new letters to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General and Government Accountability Office…

June 28, 2024

Chairman Smith: Biden Incapable of Stopping His Own Inflation Crisis

“Today’s inflation report confirms what the American people witnessed last night with their own two eyes: President Biden is incapable…

June 28, 2024

Six Key Moments: Hearing on Strengthening Child Welfare and Protecting Children

Paris Hilton: “I strongly advocate for the reauthorization of Title IV-B. Families need resources and support so they don’t come…

June 27, 2024

Chairman Smith Op-Ed: All Options Must be on the Table to Deliver Tax Relief for Working People

By Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) Washington Examiner Republicans are already hard at work to once again…

June 27, 2024

Seniors on Path to Access New Medication and Treatments Thanks to Ways and Means-Passed Legislation

Legislation provides seniors with coverage of anti-obesity medication, cancer screening, and breakthrough medical devices. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Seniors will have greater…

June 27, 2024

Chairman Smith Opening Statement – Markup of Health Care Innovation Legislation

As prepared for delivery “American innovation has delivered some of the world’s greatest medical breakthroughs that have saved countless lives…

President Biden is once again parroting the same debunked talking points about the Trump tax cuts.

FACT: Data confirms that EVERY income bracket saw a substantial decrease in tax following the implementation of the TCJA, and the tax burden for the top 1% of earners actually went

We have an obligation to protect our nation’s most vulnerable, including children in the foster care system. Thank you, @ParisHilton, for joining @WaysandMeansGOP yesterday to share your experience and discuss ideas to protect our youth from abusive and dangerous environments.

Twitter feed video.

Alzheimer’s affects millions of Americans each day, and the search for a cure must be relentless. Proud that @WaysandMeansGOP advanced my bipartisan CHANGE Act today to help patients and clinicians through expanded early detection support and improved data collection.

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Excessive Washington red tape forces state child welfare programs to spend more time on paperwork instead of helping children.

In fact, these rules do NOTHING to increase accountability or outcomes for how these programs perform, as one witness testified today.

Relatives are an important source of care for kids who can’t live with their parents.

Too often, these caregivers are overlooked and don’t get the support they need.

One kinship provider shared that she faced an “uphill battle” getting help for her sister.

@replahood asked Tori Petersen about the importance of work in helping lift people out of poverty.

A former foster youth and current foster parent, Tori explained how every parent must recognize the point “when helping hurts” and too many government resources can delay growth and keep people trapped in poverty and crisis

Chairman Smith asked @parishilton, based on her lived experience as a survivor of abuse in a residential youth facility, what should be done to help children in crisis.

Here’s what she said.

For the last year, the Ways & Means Committee has conducted a top-to-bottom review of child welfare.

Here’s just some of what we’ve found:
❌Relatives taking care of kids need more support
❌A severe caseworker shortage
❌D.C. red tape
❌Unfair barriers faced by Native American tribes
❌Slow court system

During our hearing, @repbethvanduyne asked Talia Dror to describe her experience at Cornell and her reaction to the failure of university leaders to appropriately respond to and condemn those spreading antisemitism and threats of violence. ...
