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Chairman Tiberi Opening Statement at Member Day Hearing on Legislation to Improve and Sustain the Medicare Program

June 08, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Pat Tiberi (R-OH) today delivered the following opening statement at today’s Member day hearing entitled “Legislation to Improve and Sustain the Medicare Program.”

Remarks as prepared for delivery:
“Today, similar to our last Member Day hearing on ‘Tax-Related Proposals to Improve Health Care,’ this subcommittee is providing a public platform for any and all interested Members of Congress to discuss bills they have introduced that modify the way health care is accessed and delivered to the more than 55 million seniors who rely on the Medicare program.

“Members have put a lot of work into developing and drafting these pieces of legislation. And this Member Day hearing is their opportunity to share with their colleagues— and the American people— why these bills are important and why this committee should take them up.

“In addition to my colleagues from Ways and Means, I am excited to hear from those Members who serve on other committees, but who have worked equally hard on legislation that transforms our Medicare program. We remain committed to working through regular order and that includes hearing from those on and off of the committee.

“So, how is this going to work? Members will have five minutes to discuss their Medicare legislative priorities. And I would remind Members that they are also able to submit written testimony in support of their legislation.

“Thank you again to all of our witnesses for taking time from your busy schedules to be with us today. We look forward to hearing from all of you.”