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HEARING: Chairman Roskam Announces Hearing on Iran Terror Financing and the Tax Code

November 04, 2015

House Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Peter J. Roskam (R-IL) today announced that the Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight will hold a hearing on presidential authority to waive anti-terror provisions in the tax code with respect to Iran. The hearing will take place on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 10:00 AM in Room 1100 of the Longworth House Office Building.

Hearing Advisory

Witness List

Mark Dubowitz
Executive Director, Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)

David Schizer
Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law and Economics, Columbia Law School
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)

Douglas Feith
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)

Kenneth Stethem
Chairman & CEO, Aegis Industries, LLC
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)

Dr. Jim Walsh
Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Security Studies Program
Testimony (Truth in Testimony)
