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HEARING: Member Day Hearing on Tax Legislation

May 12, 2016

Hearing Information
Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 10:00 AM in Room 1100 of the Longworth House Office Building

Hearing Advisory
Panel 1
Representative Sam Johnson
3rd District of Texas, United States House of Representatives

Representative Peter Roskam
6th District of Illinois, United States House of Representatives

Representative Lynn Jenkins
2nd District of Kansas, United States House of Representatives

Representative Danny Davis
7th District of Illinois, United States House of Representatives

Panel 2
Representative Vern Buchanan
16th District of Florida, United States House of Representatives

Representative Tom Rice
7th District of South Carolina, United States House of Representatives

Representative Xavier Becerra
34th District of California, United States House of Representatives

Representative David Rouzer
7th District of North Carolina, United States House of Representatives

Panel 3
Representative Pat Meehan
7th District of Pennsylvania, United States House of Representatives

Representative Bob Dold
10th District of Illinois, United States House of Representatives

Representative Ted Poe
2nd District of Texas, United States House of Representatives

Representative Anna Eshoo
18th District of California, United States House of Representatives

Panel 4
Representative Ken Buck
4th District of Colorado, United States House of Representatives

Representative Andy Harris
1st District of Maryland, United States House of Representatives

Representative Mark Meadows
11th District of North Carolina, United States House of Representatives

Representative Matt Cartwright
17th District of Pennsylvania, United States House of Representatives

Panel 5
Representative Rodney Davis
13th District of Illinois, United States House of Representatives

Representative Scott Peters
52nd District of California, United States House of Representatives

Representative Rob Bishop
1st District of Utah, United States House of Representatives

Representative Dana Rohrabacher
48th District of California, United States House of Representatives

Representative Keith Ellison
5th District of Minnesota, United States House of Representatives

Panel 6
Representative Dave Brat
7th District of Virginia, United States House of Representatives

Representative Scott Desjarlais
4th District of Tennessee, United States House of Representatives

Representative Randy Hultgren
14th District of Illinois, United States House of Representatives

Representative John Fleming
4th District of Louisiana, United States House of Representatives

Representative Peter Defazio
4th District of Oregon, United States House of Representatives

Panel 7
Representative Steve Scalise
1st District of Louisiana, United States House of Representatives

Representative Kevin Cramer
North Dakota at Large, United States House of Representatives

Representative Andy Barr
6th District of Kentucky, United States House of Representatives

Representative Matt Salmon
5th District of Arizona, United States House of Representatives

Representative Terri Sewell
7th District of Alabama, United States House of Representatives

Panel 8
Representative Tom Emmer
6th District of Minnesota, United States House of Representatives

Representative Mike Coffman
6th District of Colorado, United States House of Representatives

Representative Janice Schakowsky
9th District of Illinois, United States House of Representatives

Panel 9
Representative Erik Paulsen
3rd District of Minnesota, United States House of Representatives
