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HEARING: Member Day Hearing on “Tax-Related Proposals to Improve Health Care”

May 17, 2016

Hearing Information
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 10:00 AM in Room 1100 of the Longworth House Office Building

Hearing Advisory

Panel 1
Representative Lynn Jenkins
2nd District of Kansas, United States House of Representatives

Representative Ron Kind
3rd District of Wisconsin, United States House of Representatives

Representative Adrian Smith
3rd District of Nebraska, United States House of Representatives

Representative Erik Paulsen
3rd District of Minnesota, United States House of Representatives

Panel 2
Representative Kristi Noem
South Dakota at Large, United States House of Representatives

Representative Luke Messer
6th District of Indiana, United States House of Representatives

Representative Mark Meadows
11th District of North Carolina, United States House of Representatives

Panel 3
Representative Mike Kelly
3rd District of Pennsylvania, United States House of Representatives

Representative Ami Bera
7th District of California, United States House of Representatives

Representative George Holding
13th District of North Carolina, United States House of Representatives

Panel 4
Representative Mike Thompson
5th District of California, United States House of Representatives

Representative Charles Boustany
3rd District of Louisiana, United States House of Representatives

Representative Chris Stewart
2nd District of Utah, United States House of Representatives

Panel 5
Representative Grace Meng
6th District of New York, United States House of Representatives

Representative Martha McSally
2nd District of Arizona, United States House of Representatives

Representative Suzan DelBene
1st District of Washington, United States House of Representatives
