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House Republicans Unveil 21st Century Tax Plan Built for Growth

June 24, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Flanked by House Leadership and Members of the Republican Conference, Ways and Means Committee Chairman and leader of the Tax Reform Task Force Kevin Brady (R-TX) unveiled “A Better Way for Tax Reform,” a bold Blueprint for pro-growth, comprehensive tax reform. 

As the Chairman said at the press conference:

“Today we propose a new tax code for the American people – a tax code built for growth: for the growth of paychecks, for the growth of local jobs and economy, and the growth of America’s economy.”


CLICK HERE to watch the press conference with Chairman Brady, Speaker Ryan (R-WI), and Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA).

CLICK HERE to read the full Blueprint. 

CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint will help America’s workers, families, and job-creators and grow the American economy.

CLICK HERE to speak out about the Blueprint and make your opinions known. 

Remarks As Delivered

“America is the greatest country on earth. 

“We don’t have to settle for a second rate economy where paychecks are flat and millions of qualified Americans can’t find full-time work. 

“And why is America growing weaker while our foreign competitors grow stronger? 

“The problem is the costly, complex and unfair tax code that Washington imposes on hard-working taxpayers.  

“House Republicans, led by our Speaker Paul Ryan, see a better way. And today we propose a new tax code for the American people – a tax code built for growth: for the growth of paychecks, for the growth of local jobs and economy, and the growth of America’s economy. 

“First, we unleash new job creation with the lowest taxes in modern history on local businesses – small or large, corporations or family-owned.  And here’s why: Washington must take less from these job creators so they can grow the local economy rather than Washington’s economy. 

“For the first time in history, we’ll change the way America taxes its businesses so they can compete and win, whether on Main Street or in Madrid. And when they win, they will not be charged one dime to bring those profits back home here to America to be invested in good jobs, research and growth. 

“For the first time we’ll end the penalties in the current tax code that too often force American companies to move their jobs, their technologies and headquarters overseas. No longer will we be the only major country that still taxes its own exports. No longer will American products lose-out to foreign competitors simply because they are proudly stamped ‘Made in America.’

“For the first time, local businesses will be able to immediately write off unlimited investments in buildings, equipment and technology. 

“This new wave of business investment coursing through our local economies will be a strong catalyst for more jobs along Main Street. 

“For the first time since it was established in 1916, we will end the Death Tax so family-owned farms and businesses will never again fear the IRS swooping in and taking nearly half of the nest egg they worked a lifetime to build. 

“The result of this ‘built for growth’ tax code is that America will leapfrog from dead last among our competitors to firmly in the lead pack of pro-jobs tax codes in the world. 

“Growth is good, everywhere but in the size of the tax code. Americans are sick of this huge, complex tax code riddled with special breaks for others – and nothing but headaches for them. For years hardworking American taxpayers have asked Washington for a tax code so simple, and fair and understandable that it could fit on a postcard. 

“We’ve been listening, and that is exactly what we propose: for the first time in modern history a tax code simple and fair enough to fit on a postcard. 

“This postcard form will simplify the number of tax brackets by more than half. It will take less from taxpayers at every income level, because Washington takes too much of your hard-earned dollars. And to make it easier to save for retirement and grow the local economy, we will cut taxes on savings and investment to half the regular rate. 

“The postcard we propose will include help with the basics: home and children, charity and college.  It will be that simple. It will be that fair.  

“But make no mistake. America, this is not our tax code, it’s yours. You deserve a real say in how you are taxed. So before this new tax reform proposal is introduced into law, we will be asking the American people: Do you want simple and fair as a postcard, or more complicated with more loopholes and sending more money to Washington?  

“We will be listening. 

“And finally, a simpler, fairer tax code demands a simpler, fairer tax collector. We will bust up the IRS as it is today, redesigning it into three smaller, more focused units to serve businesses, to provide state-of the-art taxpayer service for families and individuals, and to quickly and affordably resolve tax disputes – in essence, an independent and unbiased ‘small claims court’ so families and small businesses aren’t forced to spend thousands of dollars to resolve routine tax differences.   

“Here is the challenge going forward: Tax reform only happens once a generation. And it can be too easily hijacked by Washington and special interests. 

“At this urgent moment in history, as America struggles to regain its standing in the world and Americans struggle to regain their standard of living, we can’t afford to continue to struggle under this tax code.  

“House Republicans believe it’s time for a change. It’s time, America, to let your voice be heard. 

“If you want more local jobs, speak up. 

“If you want a simple fair postcard, speak up. 

“If you want to stop fearing the IRS, speak up. 

“And, like us, if you want America to be the strongest economy on earth for you and your children, it’s time to speak up. 
