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1.4 million

September 10, 2019

New data from the United States Census Bureau released this week shows that the number of Americans living in poverty decreased by 1.4 million in 2018.

1.4 million.

That is over a million people throughout the United States who are experiencing a higher quality of life.

And the good news doesn’t stop there.

The GOP pro-growth agenda was designed to empower all Americans.  To help parents, students, and workers from all walks of life reach their full economic potential.

As Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said in 2017 before Republicans set out to successfully transform our nation’s tax code, “we have to remember . . . what we are fighting for.”

We are fighting for you, who President Reagan called the most important special interest of all – the American people,” Rep. Brady said.  “We are fighting for the competitiveness and excellence we are capable of.  And we are fighting for the better, brighter future that you want for your children.”

That fight has helped drive these numbers we are seeing today.  And Republicans are committed to continuing that fight so that every American can thrive in today’s economy.

  • We are pushing for a new trade deal that is expected to increase jobs and growth throughout our country;
  • We are advocating for meaningful welfare reform that puts the focus on families, not Washington, by helping parents currently stuck on the sidelines find and retain a good-paying job; and
  • We are fighting back against Democrat tax increases that would force the next generation to earn smaller paychecks throughout their entire careers.