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Camp Statement on AIG Bonuses

March 17, 2009

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI)issued the following statement today on the decision by AIG, theinsurance giant that received over $170 billion in federal assistanceto date, to pay $165 million in retention bonuses to its employees.

“I don’t know what’s more appalling: AIG’s decision or the choice bysome in Congress to sneak a provision into the stimulus bill thatprotects these kinds of bonuses.

“Regardless, it’s unconscionable that the very same people whopushed the financial system to the brink of collapse are now receivingseven-figure bonuses.  Their greed and irresponsibility should bepunished, not rewarded. 

“We need to send a clear signal to others that this kind of ludicrous use of taxpayer dollars is flat out unacceptable.” 
