Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) today highlighted data from a 2008 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) report showing more than 90 percent of seniors enrolled in the government-run Medicare program are enrolled in additional health care coverage.
“Supporters of government-run health insurance think federal bureaucrats can do a good job designing and operating a health plan, but the facts suggest otherwise,” said Camp. “If government designed programs are so great, why do 9 out of 10 Medicare beneficiaries get more coverage?”
According to the June 2008 MedPAC report, among non-institutionalized seniors in 2005:
- 31.9% were also enrolled in an employer-sponsored plan;
- 28.5% were also enrolled in a Medigap plan;
- 14.6% were also enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan; today that number stands at 22%;
- 14.2% were also enrolled in Medicaid;
- 1.3% were also enrolled in some other public sector benefit; and
- Just 9.6% had no additional coverage at all.
“Non-partisan experts have stated that up to 120 million Americans would be forced off their current health plan if a government plan was created,” said Camp. “Would 90 percent of those Americans also find their new government plan inadequate?”