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Non-Partisan Analysis of Democrat Plan:Trillions Spent, Millions Uninsured

June 15, 2009

Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) today highlighted a non-partisan analysisof the government-run plan being debated by the Senate Finance Committee. The study examined two possible versions for a government-run plan. The first was modeled after the Federal Health Employee Benefit Plan (FEHBP) offered to federal employees, including Members of Congress and their staff, and the second was modeled on the Massachusetts Connector. The results? Trillions of dollars in new federal spending that still leave millions of Americans without insurance. According to the analysis:

  • The FEHBP model would cost taxpayers $1.37 trillion dollars over 10 years and would reduce the number of uninsured Americans by only 30%.

  • The Massachusetts model would cover more Americans, but it would still leave 26% of the current uninsured population without insurance at a staggering cost of $2.68 trillion over 10 years.

“Americans demand affordable health care and affordable health care reform—a government-run plan that shifts more costs onto taxpayers fails that simple test,” said Camp.  “Paying too much for a government plan is not an answer to paying too much for the current health care system.”
