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Camp Statement on White House Announcement with Hospitals Industry Executives

July 08, 2009

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) today issued the following statement on this morning’s White House announcement with hospital industry executives:

“This is a great deal for hospitals, not American taxpayers.  After all, why should hospitals care whether they get their taxpayer subsidies through Medicare or some other taxpayer-funded, government-run insurance plan?  Either way, it will be middle class families footing the bill through higher taxes, all while seeing jobs and the health care coverage they have and like disappear.

“At the end of the day, American taxpayers are still being asked to pay higher taxes for a $1.5 trillion government takeover of health care.  Health care reform does not have to cost that much, and wouldn’t if we focused on eliminating the inefficiencies within the current system instead of providing taxpayer-funded insurance to non-citizens and those who already have private health insurance.”
