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She Said, He Said…Facts Say 3 Million Jobs LOST on the President’s Watch

October 30, 2009

Washington, DC — While the Obama Administration desperately continues its attempts to hide the failure of the “stimulus” bill, Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) today released a chart using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that shows over 3 million jobs have been lost since the start of the year. 

“The American people – the millions of families who are out of work – see right through the White House’s smoke screen,” said Camp.  “The White House can spin themselves all they want, but the reality is stimulus has been a failure and the American people demand to know: where are the jobs?”

It does appear, however, that the White House’s attempt to confuse the facts is having some success on its own advisors. Just last week, Dr. Christina Romer, the Chair of the Council on Economic Advisors, admitted stimulus would “contribute little to future job growth.”  Today, however, as the White House attempted to claim 650,000 jobs created or saved by stimulus, the Vice President’s economic advisor Jared Bernstein inexplicably claimed that, “There’s a lot more ammunition in that Recovery Act.”

“Facts are stubborn things, and the fact is America has lost 3 million jobs on the President’s watch,” Camp added.  “Stimulus is not working and some trumped up report by the Administration cannot change that fact.”

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