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Brady, Boren Press Administration to Collect Full Information on Chinese Tires Tariffs

January 21, 2010

Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX) andRepresentative Dan Boren (D-OK) today sent a letter to U.S. Trade RepresentativeRon Kirk, asking him to confirm that the Administration is monitoringcomprehensively the economy-wide effects of the recently imposed tariffs on tireimports from China.

Brady stated: “I am concerned that the Administration’s tire tax will cost usjobs in the United States and raise prices for tires for hardworking Americans. With unemployment hovering at ten percent, we must assess what impact this taxis having on Americans.  I want to make sure that the Administration has all thefacts so that it can best determine how and when to end that tax.”

Boren added: “U.S. trade policy should be established on a foundation ofaccurate and timely information. Otherwise, the federal government will fail toact in a manner that current economic conditions require. I look forward toworking with Ambassador Kirk on this important issue that impacts many Americanbusinesses and consumers.”

The full letter may be read here.
