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Herger, Brady Question President on Hypocrisy and Broken Promises in Backroom Health Care Deals

January 28, 2010

Washington,D.C. – Congressman Wally Herger (R-CA), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee onHealth, and Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), Ranking Member of the Subcommitteeon Trade, issued the following remarks regarding a letter they sent to PresidentObama on his changing positions on prescription drug importation:

Rep.Herger said, “Since takingoffice, President Obama has abandoned his campaign promises one by one in aquest to get government-run health care passed by any means necessary and at anycost to the American people, especially seniors.  The President’s decision towalk away from his support for drug importation in order to secure anendorsement from the drug lobby is among the most disturbing. During the campaign, the President promised fulltransparency throughout the health care debate, with all Americans having a seatat the table.  Unfortunately, the only ones who seem to have had their voicesheard are the special interests that made backroom deals with the President.While the issue of prescription drug importation is complex and there are manyopinions on the issue, the President and many Democrats in Congress appear tohave sacrificed their previous beliefs about what would be best for the Americanpeople in exchange for the support of the pharmaceutical industry. I lookforward to his explanation as to why important policy decisions that will affectmillions of Americans have been determined by secret deals, away from publicview.”

Rep.Brady commented, “It seemsas though while out on the campaign trail you say one thing and now yourAdministration does another thing. It’s time to stop the back room deals, followthrough with your promises and provide the American people with the transparencyyou promised and they deserve.”

The letter can be read here.
