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Unhappy Anniversary for Democrats’ 2009 Stimulus Law: Contrary to Promises, Facts Show Fewer Jobs and More Unemployed

February 16, 2010
 As we reach the first anniversary of Democrats’ trillion-dollar 2009 stimulus plan, a record 16 million unemployed Americans only wish it were having positive results. As America collectively lost 3 million more jobs and unemployment soared to 10 percent in 2009, the facts show:  
  • Jobs disappeared in 49 out of 50 States;
  • The unemployment rate rose in 48 out of 50 States; and
  • The number collecting unemployment checks rose in every State, reaching a record 12 million in January.

Despite this data, the Administration continues to push its happy rhetoric on jobs, suggesting stimulus is “on-target to support more than 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010.” As Administration officials fan out from Washington, D.C. this week to “survey progress” from stimulus, the data below suggest they will have a tough time explaining how stimulus is “on target” when it comes to jobs. 





Sources: Tables I, II, III–Ways and Means Republican Staff calculations using Department of Labor data; Table IV–Ways and Means Republican Staff calculations using data provided directly by the Department of Labor.

