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Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) at the White House Health Care Summit

February 25, 2010

VIDEO I                   VIDEO II


  • “A lot of Americans say to me if you’re really interested in controlling costs, maybe you shouldn’t be spending a trillion dollars on health care as the Senate and House bills do.”
  • “The non partisan actuaries at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services say on page 4 of their letter that the Senate-passed bill that would bend the cost curve in the wrong direction by about a quarter of a trillion dollars. They specifically say the health expenditures under the Senate bill would increase by $222 billion.”
  • “Now, holding down health care costs for the government is important, but I think it’s also important to hold down costs for families and employees.”


  • “On the issue of insurance reform and pre-existing conditions, there are responsible ways to solve this problem and reduce the cost of health insurance for everyone. And we support state universal access programs that address high risk pools and re-insurance, that makes affordable coverage available for those that are sick and those who have pre-existing conditions.”
  • “We (House Republicans in their Health Care Bill) prevent waiting lists …and we have those programs managed at the state level, and they are robust enough that CBO has scored that they will be effective.“


  • “The American people have told us they don’t want to be forced to buy health insurance that they don’t want and they can’t afford.”
  • “The American people are telling us that the individual mandates, the requirements to buy insurance are something that they want us to scrap and start over on. That’s why we are seeing state legislatures around the country passing resolutions saying our citizens are going to have a choice on whether they buy health care, they’re going to have a choice on the kind of coverage they want to have.”

NOTE: Unlike the Democrats’ health care bill, which will increase premiums, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office predicts the House Republicans’ common sense reforms would actually lower insurance premiums across the board (up to $3,000 for millions of families compared to the House Democrats’ plan).


