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Camp, Herger: Medicare Report Confirms Health Care Law Bad for Americans, Especially Seniors

April 23, 2010

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) and Health Subcommittee Ranking Member Wally Herger (R-CA) today released the following statements in reaction to the analysis of the Democrats’ health care law from the nonpartisan experts at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS):

CAMP: “This report confirms Americans’ worst fears about the health care law: it will increase health spending, increase federal control over our health care system, cut benefits for millions of seniors and jeopardize  access to care for seniors and the disabled. This is a bad law and, according to this analysis, seniors have the most to be concerned about when it comes to the future of their health care.  I don’t think the Democrats’ health care bill would have passed if Congress and the American people had this analysis before the vote.”

HERGER: “This report provides concrete evidence that the health care bill will raise, not lower, health care costs, puts Washington in charge of health care decisions, and will threaten seniors’ access to care and their ability to keep their Medicare plans. The American people deserved to know these facts before the bill was passed. That’s why I offered a resolution (H.Res. 883) to postpone consideration of the bill until the Medicare actuaries’ analysis had been public for at least 72 hours. Unfortunately, Democrats rushed this bill through Congress, and now the non-partisan experts at CMS have confirmed our worst fears about it. It’s clearer than ever that our first order of business should be to repeal and replace this government takeover with commonsense solutions that will actually bring down health care costs without growing government.”
