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ANALYSIS: 1 in 5 Seniors Could be Forced Out of Their Medicare Prescription Drug Plan

August 25, 2010

As if more than one-half trillion dollars in Medicare cuts that could jeopardize access to care wasn’t enough bad news for seniors, analysis released yesterday by Avalere Health, a health care research firm, estimates that 1 in 5 seniors could lose their Medicare Part D plan because of actions taken by President Obama’s Administration.  As reported by the Associated Press, these actions risk “undercutting President Barack Obama’s promise that people can keep their health plans if they like them. And it could be an unwelcome surprise for many seniors who hadn’t intended to make a change during Medicare’s open enrollment season this fall.”

This unwelcome news comes on the heels of analysis by the Obama Administration that as many as 7 out of 10 Americans with health coverage through their employer could lose their health plan because of the Democrats new health law; that 9 out of 10 seniors who have retiree drug coverage will lose it; and millions of seniors will lose their Medicare Advantage plan that provide benefits not available in traditional Medicare.  So much for being able to keep the health plan you have and like.
