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The Targets of Washington Democrats’ Tax Hike – Small Businesses

September 16, 2010

Small businesses all across America are protesting Washington Democrats’ plan to increase taxes.  In a recent letter to members of Congress these employers wrote:

“Some policy makers propose extending only some of the current tax rates, arguing that only a handful of businesses would be affected if the top two tax rates are increased. They also claim that many of these firms are not ‘real’ businesses and therefore not worthy of consideration. These arguments are unfounded…[A] survey of small business owners found that businesses most likely to pay the top rates employ over 25 percent of the total workforce. With unemployment near 10 percent, subjecting employers accounting for such a large portion of the workforce with a substantial tax hike is risky and harmful to the recovery.”

Just who are these small businesses?  Answer: Manufacturers, restaurants, retailers, contractors, insurance agents, farmers and the list goes on and on. Here is a complete list of employers signing the letter.

Air Conditioning Contractors of America
American Council of Engineering Companies
American Farm Bureau Federation
American Moving & Storage Association
American Petroleum Institute
AMT – The Association for Manufacturing Technology
Associated Builders and Contractors
Financial Executives International
Food Marketing Institute
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America
Independent Community Bankers of America
International Council of Shopping Centers
International Franchise Association
National Association of Manufacturers
National Association for the Self Employed
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors
National Federation of Independent Business
National Funeral Directors Association
National Marine Manufacturers Association
National Multi Housing Council / National Apartment Association
National Restaurant Association
National Retail Federation
National Roofing Contractors Association
National Small Business Association
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors – National Association
Printing Industries of America
S Corporation Association
Small Business Legislative Council
Tire Industry Association
U.S. Chamber of Commerce  
