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Camp Statement on House GOP “Pledge to America”

September 23, 2010

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following comment on the House Republicans’ “Pledge to America.”

“For too long, Democrats in Washington have refused to listen to the American people.  It started when they rammed through a failed $1 trillion ‘stimulus’ bill that drove up the debt while the unemployment rate shot up to 10 percent and continued with a $1 trillion government takeover of health care that not only increases taxes and slashes Medicare to fund new entitlement programs, but also makes health insurance more costly for American families. 

“Republicans are listening to the American people, and our pledge is to focus on things that matter most to them – job creation and putting an end to the spending spree in Washington.

“Americans know we cannot tax and spend our way to prosperity.  That is why our agenda begins with blocking the Democrats’ $3.8 trillion tax hike that takes effect less than 100 days from now.  It is also why we propose cutting spending back to pre-stimulus levels.  These common sense policies should be bipartisan and we should implement them today.”
