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Camp, Brady Statements on Russia’s Progress Towards Joining the WTO

October 01, 2010

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX) today released the following statements in light of USTR’s announcement that it has resolved key bilateral issues related to Russia’s WTO accession process.

Rep. Camp: “USTR’s announcement that the United States and Russia have resolved key outstanding bilateral issues as identified by USTR is very encouraging.  Russia’s WTO membership, if done on the right commercial terms, would create another important market for U.S. goods and services.  That said, more progress is needed on several fronts, including ensuring the protection of U.S. intellectual property rights, full access for our agricultural products, as well as the multilateral terms of Russia’s WTO accession.  I will be watching for further results in these areas, so that ultimately Congress can consider Russia’s WTO accession package at the appropriate time.”

Rep. Brady: “The United States stands to benefit if Russia is bound by the international rules of the WTO.  I am glad that Russia has taken this important step to come closer to that goal.  To complete the accession process, though, Russia has more steps to take, including addressing longstanding concerns for the United States and our agriculture, high-tech, and other exporters, such as IP enforcement, SPS issues over meat and other products, and other non-tariff barriers.  Russia’s willingness to address such concerns sufficiently and agree to high-standard multilateral terms of accession will help increase the likelihood that Congress will favorably consider its WTO accession package.”
