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Camp, Brady Statements on Malaysia Joining TPP Talks

October 06, 2010

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX) today released the following statements in response to USTR’s notification of Congress that Malaysia is formally joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations:

CAMP: “Establishing a greater presence in Asian markets and becoming an effective counterweight to China in that region are critical to our economic success.  With Malaysia joining the TPP negotiations, that agreement becomes even more significant to U.S. interests.  This will also enable our two countries to continue the negotiations we began in our bilateral trade talks starting in 2006, address outstanding issues in government procurement, investment, and financial services, and achieve an even wider regional TPP agreement.  Together with the pending South Korea, Colombia, and Panama agreements, the TPP negotiations will increase U.S. exports and create badly needed U.S. jobs.” 

BRADY:  “I welcome the inclusion of Malaysia in the TPP talks.  Malaysia is an important country in the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region, home to millions of potential customers for U.S. goods and services.  This creates an opportunity to strengthen economic ties between our two countries and expand the TPP’s regional reach.  The TPP negotiations and the pending agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama represent opportunities to expand U.S. exports, but time is not on our side.  I reiterate my earlier calls for the Administration to quickly prepare all three pending agreements for Congress and to conclude the TPP talks by November 2011 when the United States will host the annual APEC Leaders’ Summit.”
