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Obama Administration Repeats Discredited Claim that “You Can Keep Your Health Plan If You Like It”

November 23, 2010

MYTH: “No one is going to lose their coverage.” – Jay Angoff, Director of the Obama Administration’s HHS Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight

FACT:  The Obama Administration has already predicted that as many as 7 out of 10 Americans with employer-provided health coverage could lose their current health plan because of ObamaCare. 

FACT:  9 in 10 seniors with retiree prescription drug coverage could lose their plan because of ObamaCare. 

FACT:  Obama Administration actuaries have predicted that ObamaCare will force 7.4 million seniors to lose or be denied access to a Medicare Advantage plan.  

FACT:  Three million seniors could be forced out of their current Medicare prescription drug plan.

FACT:  Employers have already announced they will stop offering or are considering dropping coverage for hundreds of thousands of American workers.  

FACT:  Major insurers are already dropping private insurance options because of ObamaCare.
