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Camp, Brady Statement on Signing of U.S.- Panama Tax Agreement

November 30, 2010

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX) gave the following statements in reaction to the signing of the Tax Information Exchange Agreement between the U.S. and Panama.

Camp: “Action on the job-creating U.S.-Panama trade agreement has been delayed for far too long.  The fact that we have now signed a Tax Information Exchange Agreement with Panama should remove any remaining hurdles to moving forward with this important trade agreement, something we should do as soon as possible.”

Brady: “I congratulate the United States and Panama for signing this important agreement on tax transparency rules.  This issue unfortunately had become a roadblock to consideration of the U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement.  That agreement has languished in Congress after being signed over three years ago, delaying our ability to create American jobs by opening this market to our goods and services and allowing other countries to move in ahead.” 
