Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statements in response the announcement of an agreement for the US- South Korea trade pact.
Rep. Camp: “This is a big win for American employers and workers. I want to thank the President and his negotiating team for working closely with me to reduce the barriers our domestic auto industry faces today and get the best deal possible. The agreement concluded today will give meaningful market access to U.S. auto companies and support good-paying jobs in the United States. Not only will this agreement ensure that job-creating U.S. exports are competitive in this vital market, it will – along with other ongoing trade talks in the region – provide us with a critical counterbalance to China’s growing influence.
“That said, I urge the parties to continue discussions on the important outstanding issues relating to beef. While U.S. beef has regained a significant commercial presence in South Korea, the reality we face is that South Korea’s ban on the entry of beef from cattle over 30 months is not in compliance with its international standards and obligations.
“I look forward to working, on a bipartisan basis and with the Administration, to implement this agreement.
“I also hope to work closely with the Administration to establish a process to move forward with the Colombia and Panama agreements so they, too, can be implemented. I hope the President will commit to complete them both within six months. Every day these agreements languish, American-made goods and services face unnecessary tariffs and other trade barriers — costing Americans market access and jobs here at home.”
Rep. Brady: “Today’s announcement is a critical step toward increasing American competitiveness and creating jobs here at home. South Korea is a key ally and trading partner to the United States, and this agreement will strengthen our relationship and add billions to the U.S. economy through increased exports. I look forward to working with the Administration, my colleagues in Congress, and other stakeholders to move the agreement forward as part of a robust trade agenda next year.”