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Camp Selected as Ways and Means Chairman

December 08, 2010

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) made the following statement today upon announcement of being selected by the Republican Conference to serve as the Ways and Means Committee Chairman.

“It is a great honor and even greater responsibility to be selected today by my colleagues to serve as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee for the 112th Congress.  Our nation is at a crossroads – facing record debt and an unemployment rate stuck at nearly 10 percent.  The decisions we make and the policies we put forward will determine whether or not we get this economy back on track and Americans back to work.  I pledge to my colleagues, the American people and my constituents that the Ways and Means Committee will focus on a job-creating agenda and reducing out-of-control federal spending.  In doing so, the committee will directly engage and listen to the American people – ensuring those impacted by the policies enacted in Washington have a voice in the process.  That open dialogue is critical to our democracy and to producing the best possible solutions.”
