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Camp, Herger Statements on Judge’s Ruling that the Health Care Law’s Individual Mandate is Unconstitutional

December 13, 2010

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) and Health Subcommittee Ranking Member Wally Herger (R-CA) issued the following statements in reaction to news that a Virginia judge has ruled that the health care law’s requirement that nearly every American purchase government-sanctioned health insurance is unconstitutional.

Rep. Camp: “This confirms what most Republicans and Americans all across the country believe – the health care law went too far.  While this is an important legal victory, Congress must push forward with a full repeal of the health care law and replace it with commonsense reforms that actually empower patients while lowering health care costs.”

Rep. Herger: “Today’s ruling is an important first step in the legal fight to overturn ObamaCare.   Since the beginning of the debate on health care, Republicans warned that the Constitution does not give Congress the power to require all Americans to buy government-approved health insurance, yet Speaker Pelosi and President Obama disregarded this breach of our nation’s founding principles.  The unconstitutional ‘individual mandate’ is just one of many serious problems with this law. As the legal battles continue, it remains imperative for Congress to work to repeal all of ObamaCare and replace it with true health care reform.”