To: House Ways and Means Committee
Hearing for Jobs for Unemployed
You have no idea how hard it is to have been laid off for over 3 years. My most recent experience has been in social services and there are no jobs. These jobs depend upon excess money in the economy and charitable contributions. Obviously, there is no excess money in the economy and charitable donations have decreased.
I have a B.S. degree in Management and Human Relations and have a business background, also. Outsourcing has taken a lot of jobs and my technological skills need updating.
The economy is changing. As an older laid-off worker, I need retraining. We need a program that will provide unemployment for us for a year, along with one-year free training in order to upgrade our skills and become more employable. The longer we stay unemployed without available jobs, the less desirable we become to employers.
We need help to survive and we need jobs. I am a widow who has lost her home and my son and I have found it necessary to move in with relatives. I have always been able to find a job before the economy took a nose dive. This has taken such a toll on all of us. It is unbearable to think that this great country can not provide jobs for their citizens!!!
Please help us. You are not having to go through this. You are warm and well fed and your bills are being paid. Come down to our level and have some compassion.
It is your duty to help us!
Janice Nichols