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Rochelle Sevier

February 10, 2011

From: Rochelle Sevier

Title of Hearing: Improving Efforts to Help Unemployed Americans Find Jobs  

Dear Congressman Geoff Davis (R-KY),

Thank you for conducting the Hearing for Improving Efforts to Help Unemployed Americans Find Jobs.

I was laid off in October 2008 and have yet to be able to secure any employment despite having a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a Master’s degree in Communications Management. I have submitted hundreds of resumes but have little to no responses to jobs that I have applied for.

At this point in time I am willing to take any job since I am a 99er and have exhausted all my benefits and have no income.  I am unable to secure part-time, full-time or even temporary positions.  I feel as though I will never work again.

It is crucial that Americans be put back to work as to stimulate the economy and get them off government assistance programs. Americans are living in dire situations and need jobs NOW! We cannot hold on much longer, particularly for those like myself who have exhausted my unemployment benefits and have no job.


Rochelle J. Sevier