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Job Creators: Tax Reform Should Curtail Credits and Deductions, Provide Lower Rates

June 07, 2011

During a recent hearing of the Ways and Means Committee, job creators from across the country shared the challenges their businesses face under the current tax code.  Witnesses expressed support for approaches proposed in the Republicans’ Jobs Agenda which calls for lower tax rates, more certainty and greater simplicity. They urged Congress to take action to make America a more attractive place to invest and create the jobs we need here at home. Witnesses also highlighted the need to help job creators of all sizes and cautioned against attempts to replicate tax systems that would hurt, rather than help spur economic growth and new jobs.

Tax Reform Would Make U.S. More Competitive

Walter J. Galvin
Vice Chairman of the Board
 Emerson Electric Co.

Trade Credits and Deductions for Lower Rates

Judy L. Brown
Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Perrigo Company


Tax Reform Solely Focused on Corporate Rates Ignores
“Pass Through” Entities – Typically Small Businesses

Mark Stutman
 National Managing Partner of Tax Services
 Grant Thornton
