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Camp Statement on 11th Circuit Court Ruling Individual Mandate Unconstitutional

August 12, 2011

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement in reaction to the 11th Circuit Court ruling rejecting the Democrats’ health care law’s requirement that nearly every American purchase government-sanctioned health insurance, even if they can’t afford it.  The court held that the individual mandate is unconstitutional as it is not a constitutional exercise of Congress’ Commerce Clause power.
“Today’s decision by the 11th Circuit reinforces that the mandate in the Democrats’ health care law requiring all Americans to buy government-approved health insurance violates the U.S. Constitution.  The determination that the individual mandate is unconstitutional strikes a severe blow to this fatally-flawed law, and it may well provide the U.S. Supreme Court the final opportunity to overturn the law in its entirety.”
