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Camp Reaction to President’s Speech

September 08, 2011

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI), who is also a member of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, made the following statement on Thursday evening in response to President Obama’s address before a Joint Session of Congress:

“I appreciate the President’s focus on the economy and the need to get Americans working again.  Where we agree – like the need to pass the long pending, job creating trade agreements – we should act and act now.  All we need is for the President to send Congress the agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea so the American people can begin to take advantage of the up to 250,000 jobs they will create.  However, I was disappointed that the President did not discuss the one area that can truly spark sustained private-sector job creation in this country – comprehensive tax reform.  Given job creation stood at zero last month and roughly 14 million Americans remain out of work, I hope the President is not backing away from his support for one of the boldest actions that Washington can take to get America back on track.  In the months ahead I look forward to reviewing the details of the President’s proposals and working with the Administration and my colleagues in the House and Senate on pro-growth policies that get America’s employers hiring again and workers back on the job.”
