Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statements in response to the U.S. action, together with the European Union and Japan, to request consultations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding China’s rare earth export restraint.
Chairman Camp: “I strongly support the Administration’s latest enforcement effort to address China’s unfair trade practices that cost U.S. jobs. Last week, the House and Senate passed bipartisan legislation to ensure that U.S. companies have the tools they need to fight Chinese subsidies that violate the WTO. Today’s announcement complements that legislation and addresses additional Chinese barriers that distort the market. The United States should not hesitate to enforce its rights at the WTO, and I hope the Administration will bring additional cases to address China’s barriers. I look forward to consulting closely as this – and other WTO cases – move forward.”
Trade Subcommittee Chairman Brady: “China’s export restraints distort the free market, and I commend Ambassador Kirk and his team for filing this case. WTO cases like this are important to ensuring economic freedom and enforcing our rights when China violates the WTO. The United States must aggressively pursue its rights whenever we believe China has violated its WTO obligations.”