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Camp Statement on Approval of Budget Reconciliation Legislative Recommendations

April 18, 2012

Washington, DC-  Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) made the following statement after the Committee approved Budget Reconciliation Legislative Recommendations of the Ways and Means Committee:
“It has long been acknowledged, including by the President’s own Deficit Commission, that our debt levels are crippling economic growth and preventing job creation.  Republicans made a commitment to the American people to reform Washington to strengthen our economy, create jobs and get our fiscal house in order, and that begins with ending Washington’s spending spree.  The three proposals advanced today by the Ways and Means Committee fulfill our reconciliation responsibilities and demonstrate a better way to meet the sequestration requirements set forth in the Budget Control Act.  Our action ensures that we cut spending, eliminate fraud and end duplication in order to reduce our debt and deficits.” 
