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65 Freshman Voice Support for Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Process

April 20, 2012

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) made the following statement today in support of the letter initiated by Ways and Means Member Tom Reed (R-NY) and signed by 65 House freshmen Members in support of the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) process:

“The letter championed by Congressman Reed and signed by these 65 freshmen Members demonstrates their commitment to ensuring the health of the manufacturing sector and job creation in America.  Action on the MTB will lower costs for these employers by reducing taxes and, in some cases, protecting them from tax increases that would occur at the end of the year.  Importantly, unlike in years past, the reformed MTB process discloses whether the benefits of the provisions are broadly available and therefore not earmarks.  This process, in which all bills, Member disclosures, and agency and public comments are posted on our website, represents a model for transparency and accountability that Republican Members, including our freshmen, can be proud of.  We look forward to moving this important legislation through Congress on a bipartisan basis and again congratulate Congressman Reed and his freshmen colleagues for their efforts.”

The letter can be read here.

More information on the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill process can be found here.
