Washington, DC – Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI), along with all Republican members of the Ways and Means Committee, sent a letter to the Administration today about the upcoming meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic & Economic Dialogue (S&ED). The letter highlights key priorities for these meetings, including the need to address long-standing and specific concerns, improve U.S. market access in China, further China’s rebalancing of its economy, and restart bilateral investment treaty negotiations.
Among the key priorities Republican Members identified in the letter:
- “The Administration should focus its efforts at this year’s S&ED on addressing significant and systemic market access barriers that impede U.S. exports and investment. These unfair barriers take various forms, but all cost U.S. jobs.”
- “To give added weight to its commitment to rebalance, and to show a commitment to removing market access barriers, China should open its financial sector, including by lifting equity caps and eliminating other restrictions that limit foreign participation.”
- “The Administration should also seek to address investment barriers through the resumption of bilateral investment treaty negotiations, which have been unduly delayed for more than three years.”
- “As China embarks on a leadership transition, the S&ED is an opportunity to revisit other longstanding challenges, such as China’s continued failure to protect intellectual property rights. China’s failure to protect U.S. intellectual property rights is both a barrier to U.S. exports and investment and a subsidy to Chinese enterprises.”
A copy of the letter can be found here.