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New Report Reveals Democrats’ Health Care Law Creates Financial Incentives for Employers to Drop Health Coverage

May 01, 2012
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Washington, DC – Today, in a new report prepared for Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI), data from America’s Fortune 100 companies show they could save hundreds of millions of dollars a year under the new health care law by simply terminating health insurance for their workers and dumping these employees into taxpayer-funded health care exchanges.  

More than 70 percent of America’s Fortune 100 companies detailed their health care costs for the Committee, providing the ability to analyze how those self-reported costs would compare to ending employer-sponsored insurance and paying the employer mandate penalty.  Based on an aggregation of the data received, if the 71 Fortune 100 companies that replied to the survey ceased to offer health care coverage and paid the employer mandate penalty, they could save a total of:

  • $28.6 billion in 2014 (an average savings of over $400 million per company) and
  • $422.4 billion from 2014-2023 (an average savings of nearly $6 billion per company).

“The findings of the report, along with existing research, show that the Democrats’ health care law threatens the stability and sustainability of the employer-based health insurance system,” said Camp.  “Anyone who gets insurance through their job should be worried about what will happen next, because there is a distinct financial incentive for employers to terminate health care coverage under the Democrats’ health care law.  It is clear to me that because of this law, Americans will not be able to keep the health care plan they have and like.  American workers and taxpayers simply cannot afford to have this law remain on the books.”

The report is entitled “BROKEN PROMISE:  Why ObamaCare Will Force Americans to Lose the Health Care Coverage They Have and Like.”  Click here for the key findings, and here for the full report.
