Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released the following statement after the Committee approved four health care measures, each on a bipartisan basis. Two of the bills reported by the Committee would repeal portions of the Democrats’ health care law and two would advance new opportunities to lower costs and increase flexibility for patients:
“I am glad that all four bills considered today received bipartisan support. Particularly of note are the repeals of the job-killing medical device tax on U.S. manufacturers and the ban on using health-related savings accounts for over-the-counter medication, both contained in the Democrats’ health care law. I commend Congressman Paulsen and Congresswoman Jenkins for their work on these critical ObamaCare repeals. I also congratulate Chairmen Herger and Boustany for their work on behalf of legislation to help working Americans, veterans, early retirees, and low- to moderate-income Americans save for and afford their health care costs.”
Vote Information:
H.R. 436 approved 23-11
H.R. 5842 approved 24-9
H.R. 1004 approved 23-6
H.R. 5858 approved 21-7