Today, a bipartisan group of Governors sent a letter to President Obama and House and Senate Leaders expressing their support for permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) with Russia. Tomorrow, the Ways and Means Committee will markup legislation to establish PNTR with Russia.
In the letter, the Governors stated: “From our perspective as Governors, we see the potential for each of our states to increase their exports to Russia, but Congress needs to pass PNTR to help realize this potential. The companies, workers and farmers in our states are ready to take full advantage of Russia opening its markets when it joins the WTO this summer…Economic growth and job creation are the overarching priority at all levels of government today. We hope you will work together to pass PNTR legislation before August to ensure that American companies, workers and farmers can effectively compete in Russia when it joins the WTO this summer.”
The full letter can be read here.