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Obama Top Advisor “Axes” Attempt to Save Social Security

September 24, 2012

Today, when asked what the President’s plan was to save Social Security for future generations, top Obama advisor David Axelrod could not identify a single proposal that the President would consider, choosing instead to follow those like Vice President Biden and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) who have said Social Security is “fine.”

“This is not the time” to discuss Social Security reform, Axelrod declared.

Well, when is the time?  For the Obama Administration, it appears to be after it is too late.  According to the Annual Report of the Social Security Board of Trustees:

  • Seniors who rely on the promise of Social Security will see their benefits reduced by 25 percent beginning in 2033.   
  • Those receiving disability benefits will see a 21 percent cut in benefits in 2016, just four years from now.  

Despite the Administration’s desire to ignore the perilous reality facing Social Security, according to the public trustees, “…lawmakers should be aware that it will become increasingly difficult to avoid adverse effects on current beneficiaries, those close to retirement, and low-income beneficiaries in all birth cohorts if legislative changes are delayed much further.”    

The lack of Presidential leadership has eliminated critical time to protect the Social Security Disability Insurance program and those Americans who rely on these benefits.
