Washington, DC – Today, Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released the following statement on the looming fiscal cliff.
“After the election, we only had 55 days to steer clear of the fiscal cliff. The President has now finished at least his third press conference on the matter but is still two days away from meeting with congressional leadership. After that, he will leave for Southeast Asia, which will bring us to Thanksgiving. Time is running short, and, frankly, we don’t have time to waste on offers that are going nowhere. Speaker Boehner, on the very first day after the election, took the responsible approach and offered a compromise that included tax revenues in exchange for entitlement reforms. Unfortunately, the President has only responded with his same old demand that we raise taxes on nearly 1 million small businesses. Raising taxes will not create jobs. Tax reform, however, will not only create jobs but it can produce more revenues – something the President wants. I urge the President to begin serious and substantive negotiations with Congress. We are ready.”