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Camp, Brady Seek Answers on HHS Data Errors

January 25, 2013

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Health Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) wrote Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sebelius regarding serious concerns over inaccurate HHS health care data. The data was being provided by CMS to the independent Government Accountability Office (GAO) and seniors looking for information on their Medicare private health plan options.  GAO previously identified multiple occurrences of inaccurate information including:

  • CMS reported to GAO that 20 Medicare cost contracts operate in the Medicare program, 15 of which are open to new enrollment. Upon further review of the data, GAO discovered that one of these 15 plans was not accepting new enrollees and another plan had been closed to new enrollment for over four years; and
  • The Medicare Plan Finder – a tool to help seniors find private health plans – contained inaccurate information about plan availability.

CMS’ track record of inaccuracies also raises many concerns about whether the organization will be able to accurately establish the new health care “exchanges” established under ObamaCare.  If CMS is unable to present accurate data for just 15 Medicare cost contracts, how can it be expected to present accurate information in dozens of Exchanges for many more health plans?

Camp and Brady stated, “CMS oversees billions of dollars and the health care of millions of seniors.  These serious inaccuracies seem to be the norm, not the exception.  Seniors deserve accurate information in order to make the best possible choice for their health care.  This also raises serious questions as to how CMS plans on administering the government-run health care programs established under ObamaCare.  It is our job to conduct oversight so they will address and correct these issues.”
