Tomorrow, the President will describe the state of the union, including the state of the economy for workers and families. Americans are likely to hear more of the same from recent years – how Administration policies (1) laid a new foundation for future growth, (2) saved or created millions of jobs, and even (3) prevented another Depression. Despite the lofty rhetoric, however, the actual employment experience of millions of Americans still, in a word, stinks.
It’s not hard to see why. Even as Baby Boomers head into retirement, the working age population of the United States continues to grow. If America had a strong, healthy economy there would be jobs for these new workers. But that’s not the Obamaconomy. As the table below reflects, for every 100 new working-age individuals in the past four years, the number of people dropping out of the labor force has equaled 102 people. In short, more working-age people are exiting than entering the workforce. And compared to January 2009, when the Administration said the economy was “in free fall,” working-age people in January 2013 saw a smaller workforce, fewer people employed, and more unemployed. All nearly four full years after Democrats’ vaunted trillion-dollar stimulus plan:
January 2009 | January 2013 | Change | |
Working-Age Americans | 197.062 million |
201.939 million |
4.877 million |
Not in Labor Force | 50.118 million | 55.109 million | 4.991 million |
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Household Survey, not seasonally adjusted data for individuals aged 16-64.
Source: Current Population Survey Data on Families and Living Arrangements,
Table A2 (Family Status And Household Relationship Of People 15 Years And Over, By Marital Status, Age, And Sex)