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Camp, Nunes Statements on Japan’s Interest in Joining TPP

March 15, 2013

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) made the following statements upon Japan’s formal announcement of its interest in joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Chairman Camp: “Japan has formally expressed its interest in joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  However, I remain concerned that Japan has not yet provided adequate assurances that it is fully committed to resolving the outstanding barriers to trade between the United States and Japan, especially as it relates to our auto exports and insurance, which is essential to receiving my support for Japan to join the negotiations.  Once we get this commitment from Japan, I look forward to continuing consultations with the Administration with respect to Japan’s participation in the negotiation of a comprehensive and ambitious agreement that addresses tariff and non-tariff barriers in all areas, including agriculture.  At the same time, Japan’s interest in joining cannot unravel the significant progress we have already made in the TPP negotiations or delay the conclusion of TPP by the APEC Summit in October.”

Chairman Nunes: “The formal announcement of Japan’s interest to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership is welcome and encouraging.  Adding the world’s third largest economy to TPP would further increase the size of this agreement and the potential market for American businesses, workers, farmers and ranchers.  However, it is important that Japan is fully prepared to join an ambitious, comprehensive, high standards agreement and does not slow progress toward completing negotiations by October.  In addition, we must ensure that Japan is fully committed to resolving outstanding bilateral issues with the United States and that Japan understands that no products should be excluded from the negotiations.”
