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Camp Statement on March Jobs Report

April 05, 2013
Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released the following statement in reaction to the March jobs report from the U.S. Department of Labor.  A net total of 88,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate for March decreased to 7.6 percent from 7.7 percent in February.
“Too many Americans remain out of work, and even more Americans have simply given up looking for work.  Today’s jobs data show that there is a smaller share of Americans participating in the labor force than any time since the Carter Administration, and for those lucky enough to have a job, they face flat paychecks as they struggle with rising prices.  This Administration is presiding over the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression.  Fortunately, it is not too late.  Part of the solution is fixing our broken tax code through comprehensive reform that closes wasteful loopholes to lower rates and make the code simpler and fairer for all taxpayers.  Comprehensive tax reform will allow employers to hire and invest and will mean more jobs and higher wages for American workers.  Most of all, it is a critical step toward getting our economy back on solid footing and bringing down this unacceptably high unemployment rate.”
