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Ways and Means Republicans Question HHS Soliciting Donations

May 13, 2013

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and all Republican Members of the Ways and Means Committee sent a letter to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius regarding reports the Secretary solicited donations from outside groups to promote and support ObamaCare.  

Reports highlight that the Secretary specifically solicited groups that fall under her regulatory jurisdiction.  This action raises many legal questions under federal ethics regulations, which bars augmentation of congressional appropriations. 

In the letter, the Members noted a potential conflict of interest in implementing the law and soliciting funds from those compelled to comply with law. 

“You have publically cited your authority and willingness to force rate reductions on the same companies that the Washington Post reports you have requested contribute to your favored ObamaCare promotional groups….  Your fundraising from groups that may apply to receive federal grants as ‘navigators’ and ’non-navigator assistors’ creates the appearance that giving money to meet ObamaCare’s funding needs will result in more favorable consideration of a grant application.” 

To read the full letter click here.  
