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Promises Made, Promises Broken: 1 Year After the Supreme Court Upholds ObamaCare

June 28, 2013

It’s been one year since the Supreme Court ruled ObamaCare is the law of the land.  Now, Americans are faced with the untenable choice of either paying more in new taxes or more for their insurance premiums.  Time has revealed the facts about ObamaCare and the results aren’t good – increased costs, losing the health insurance you have and like, new taxes for families and businesses, reductions in work hours and fewer jobs.  No wonder a majority of Americans still disapprove of the law.

Of course, as time has passed, America has had to face the hard reality that the promises of ObamaCare are untrue:

  • Premiums are increasing: The Administration has abandoned President Obama’s promise to reduce premiums by $2,500, and now acknowledges premiums will increase as a result of ObamaCare.
  • Millions of Americans will lose the plan they have and like: Despite President Obama’s promise that you can keep the plan you have and like, we now know at least 7 million Americans will lose their employer-provided insurance as a result of ObamaCare.
  • ObamaCare is hurting job creation: While Minority Leader Pelosi promised that ObamaCare would be a “jobs” bill, 70 percent of small businesses now cite ObamaCare as a major obstacle to job creation.
  • Billions of dollars in tax hikes: The size of the individual mandate tax has risen dramatically from the original estimate of $17 billion to $55 billion.
  • Fewer people will get covered: Despite repeated claims that as many as 30 million plus people would gain insurance through ObamaCare, just this week the Administration said they hoped that up to 7 million people would enter the health care exchanges.
  • Millions more uninsured: The number of Americans left uninsured by ObamaCare has risen by 8 million from the original estimate.
