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Camp, Boustany Question IRS, FEC Communication

July 31, 2013

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany Jr., M.D. (R-LA) sent a letter to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Principal Deputy Commissioner Daniel Werfel seeking the agency’s immediate attention and assistance in uncovering the details behind e-mail exchanges between IRS employee Lois Lerner and an attorney employed in the General Counsel’s office at the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).  The email exchange calls into question whether the IRS unlawfully shared confidential tax information with the FEC.

Inquiring into the issue, Camp and Boustany requested that the IRS provide all communications between the IRS and the FEC between 2008 and 2012, as well as all communication from or to Lois Lerner regarding the American Future Fund, American Issues Project, Citizens for the Republic or Avenger, Inc.

Camp and Boustany stated: “We have serious concerns that this e-mail exchange demonstrates a continued pattern of the IRS unlawfully sharing confidential taxpayer information with others outside the agency.  Whether it is the targeting of donors for additional taxes or the purposeful leak of confidential taxpayer information, the steady stream of abuses only seems to continue.  The IRS must be held accountable to the American people, and that begins by coming forward with all of the facts.”

The letter and the e-mail exchange can be read here – the exchange starts at the last page and ends on the first page.
