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Camp Statement on House Passed Continuing Resolution that Defunds ObamaCare

September 20, 2013

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released the following statement after the House passed a Continuing Resolution to fund the government through December 15, 2013 that defunds ObamaCare.  Since 2011, Camp and House Republicans have repealed key provisions of the health care law and secured $55 billion in cuts to ObamaCare, which President Obama has signed into law. 

“Today I voted to stop the President’s health care law that continues to drive up health care costs, is forcing Americans to lose their current coverage and is causing workers to have their hours cut.  However, the House alone cannot make law.  It is now the Senate’s turn to act.  I urge those in the Senate to protect the American people and put a stop to this law.”
